Adaptations/Habitats Project

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the Third Quarter. During Science this quarter, we will be working on a research project. Early this week, I explained (in detail) what the kids need to know about the science project and I shared with them the tentative time lines. Now that I have finalized all of the due dates, I am now sharing that information with you as well.

The Final project will not be a paper that your child hands in to me. They will create a Board on their Discovery Education account that will be shared with me upon completion of the project. The Board will contain the written parts of their project and the digital media to support their information.

The Essential Question: How does your animal’s adaptations help it survive in it’s habitat?

The written portion will contain four or five paragraphs with the following parameters:

a) Introduction — the introduction should be between three and five sentences.
b) Adaptations — this paragraph should be between five and seven sentences. The content should include the adaptations that their animal has and an explanation for each adaptation as to how it helps the animal survive.
c) Habitat — This paragraph should be between five and seven sentences. It can include the environment the animal lives in (not the state or city), the kind of shelter where the animal resides, the food it eats/prey and predators that hunt their animal.
d) Fun Facts — (optional) This paragraph should be between three and five sentences. It will include other interesting facts that the student has learned about their animal.
e) Conclusion — This paragraph should be between three and five sentences.

Here are the important due dates:

a) Research/sloppy copy — The week of February 24th. Students will share their current research and any free write paragraphs they have created. This is a time to make sure the student has enough information and if not, to have them do more research.
b) Rough Draft — The week of March 17th. Students will share their rough drafts. We’ll make suggestions for edits, cuts and formatĀ  changes as they get ready to finalize their project.
c) Project Due — March 27th. The Board should be shared with me by the 27th. This is a hard deadline.

If a child has completed a step prior to the date listed above, they can conference with me at any time. They do not have to wait for the time line windows listed above. I know kids work at different rates.

They will have time to work in class but they will need to look for their YouTube videos and/or other digital media support at home. Students have been told that they must get your permission before accessing Google, YouTube, or any other website not listed on the AES Library Wiki. Students may not use any website that is not listed on the Library Wiki while using school computers.

Library Links:

Animal Pages

Destiny: Safe search Engine

The project Rubric can be found using the link below:

Science Research Project Rubric

I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Have a great night,
Mr. V.

2 thoughts on “Adaptations/Habitats Project

  1. Do the kids have any kids of this in printed form such as the dates and rubric so they have the responsibility to keep up with it? Or does this message to parents serve as their copy?


    • As I said above, we spent Class time this week going over (in detail) everything they needed to know for this project. In detail. They were given a Rubric and the graphic organizer for this project.

      When we get back from Sound to Sea, the next due date will be posted on the Board in my room.

      So yes, we went over (in detail) all of the material supplied above. I share it so that (a) you have it and know what is expected and (b) when they lose materials that pertains to this project, you can come back to this post and help them find it.


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