Science/Animal Research Project

A number of you have written to ask about the parameters of the Science Research Project because your child has forgotten to bring home the information. Having explained in detail the information to the students, I am now sharing that information with you.

The Final project will not be a paper that your child hands in to me. They will create a Board on their Discovery Education account that will be shared with me upon completion of the project. The Board will contain the written parts of their project and the digital media to support their information.

The Essential Question: How does your animal’s adaptations help it survive in it’s habitat?

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All the 4th grade news that’s fit to print!!

Good Evening, Fourth Grade! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. The weather was really nice. Let’s hope that is a sign that an early spring is just about here.

1) Sound to Sea — What an awesome trip! The kids did such a great job and I believe they had a lot of fun as well (as did some of the chaperones)! I want to thank all of our amazing chaperones again for all of their help. This trip depends on all of you and you did an amazing job! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Pictures, pictures, pictures. I took very few and if you took some while at Sound to Sea, please send them in to me on a disc or a flash drive. That way I can get to work on the end of year video. Flash drives will be returned. Discs returned upon request. Thank you!

2) The Science Research project has started! The students spent last week in the library with Mrs. Bryant learning how to conduct research. Over the rest of the quarter, our students will be working on the Board Builder Project through their discovery education account. This will be due on Monday, March 21st. Please see the attached rubric.

Science Research Project Rubric

I will go over the time line and the rubric with the students in class this week.

3) Math — we are all about fractions for the rest of the quarter!! We have started working on Equivalent Fractions.

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Valentine’s Day Celebrations

I apologize for any and all confusion surrounding Valentine’s Day. With all of the planning around Sound To Sea, I did not communicate with the room parents in a timely manner. Our room parents do an awesome job supporting our classrooms and I apologize for any confusion.

Quick note for the Goldberg/Veeder team about Valentines Day celebrations. On Monday, February 15th, the room parents are providing a snack at lunch. In addition to this, Mrs. Goldberg heard from many of you about cards. We will allow all of the kids to pass out cards to their classmates after lunch on Monday just before we switch.

We apologize for the short notice. We will not have time for the kids to pass out cards on the Early Release Day (Friday). Please do not send them in tomorrow if you are planning on handing out cards. Please send them in on Monday.

Thank you,
Mr. V.

Sound To Sea (final notes)

I sent home the final instructions letter for Sound to Sea today. It has our departure time (be here by 7am Monday) and our return information (be at school by 4pm Wednesday). Along with some other small helpful reminders.

Tomorrow is the last day to send me any movies. I have to check them through the library. So if you want to send one in, put your name on the front cover and have it turned into me first thing in the morning.

Current weather report for Sound To Sea region looks good: Monday, 55 degrees and sunny. Tuesday, 46 degrees and sunny and Wednesday, 45, partly cloudy. Let’s hope the sun and the temps hold.

All donations of snacks, etc. need to be here by tomorrow morning. We are in the final stages of pulling everything together so we can be on the road at 7:30am on Monday morning. Thank you to everyone who has donated!!

I know the Super Bowl is Sunday but get some rest this weekend (especially the chaperones). It will be an extremely busy trip.

Have a great evening!
Mr. V.