4th Grade Information and Notes

I hope you all have had a wonderful weekend and that you were able to enjoy the weather outside. And as most of the students in my classes know, the Giants won today and that is always a good thing!

A couple of Notes:

  1. The spirit wear orders for the PTA are due tomorrow. If you meant to send it in on Friday and forgot, please send in the order tomorrow. The order window closes tomorrow.
  2. The Go Play Save books are due on Friday. If you are planning on buying the book, please send in a check in the envelope. If not, please put the book in the envelope and return them to me. Thank you.

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Welcome Back; hope you had a great holiday weekend.

We hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day weekend! The weather was much cooler than in past weeks, so I hope you all got to have a fun weekend filled with amazing adventures!

Back to school tomorrow… we hope you guys are all rested.

Some information for all of you:
1) Starting tomorrow, we will be sending home a weekly progress report for each child on our team. The progress reports will be sent home by the home room teacher. They address work habits and conduct. When we can, we will add notes that clarify why something may have been circled. Please sign and return these forms by Wednesday. We have one form for the whole quarter and will be used to determine a student’s conduct and work habits grade on the report card.

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